John Gruber, from Daring Fireball commenting on the verge:\n\n\n\nI’m curious what real...
John Gruber, from Daring Fireball commenting on the verge: > I’m curious what real-world usage will look like, but that fingernail test doesn’t seem fair when comparing FineWoven to leather. One fingernail scratched across one of Apple’s leather cases or wallets will leave a permanent mark too. Perhaps it’s the case that such wear looks good on leather but bad on FineWoven. I've had three cases for iPhones: The first one was a leather one for the iPhone 7. The second one a Silicon Case for the 13 Pro. And now I'm back to the leather one for the 13 Pro. Of all three, the iPhone 7 leather one was the best by far. It really is what Gruber says here, it's better with time. The new one is still too new to know, but it's coated with a thin layer of wax -not sure if it's wax, but looks like it- which prevents the leather to feel like leather. The iPhone 7 had scratches of fingernails, hits, keys, and after a while it looks like nothing happened or -better- looks better than before. I really can't imagine how this new material is going to replace leather. Specially at the same price tag.