About me
Who am I and how I got here
Hi! I'm Txema!
I'm a Node.js Backend Developer based in Madrid.
I build things with TypeScript
Why Typescript? Because It allows me to make React Websites, React Native Apps, and Node.js APIs with one language. I love it.
I'm a big fan of the creator economy and building in public. I find amazing that individuals are able to make a living with what they love to do, relying only in themselves.
I love automation. I've always thought than machines should make the repetitive tasks, and we humans should tell them how to do them.
My latest jobs
07/2023 - CurrentlyTech Lead at iContainers
04/2021 - 06/2023Software Designer at Secuoyas
01/2019 - 04/2021Tech Lead at Holafly
10/2017 - 12/2018Full-stack Developer at 014 Media
Contact me
If you want to get in contact with me, you can reach me on Twitter.
If you want to know more about my job experience checkout my linkedin profile.
You also can find me on GitHub.