OpenAI's “Operator” is Facebook's “like” button

The new operator feature by OpenAI looks to be the widespread, Trojan horse to all of our login credentials

Jason in OpenAI's “Operator” is Facebook's “like” button:

Remember when Facebook convinced us that our websites needed a "like" button in the late aughts? Few, if any, of us at the time knew what Facebook was up to. We all sort of just obliged, and by 2010, tens of millions of websites installed the bit of JavaScript that enabled users to "like" the webpage they were on.
In fact, let's make sure that you're logged into all your web accounts so that Operator has access to them.
See where this is going?

I’ve started to fear this as well, not with Operators —which I knew about earlier today— but for Google Gemini voice mode. Same thing for voice ChatGPT as well.

The thing is, voice is a new form of fingerprinting in the real world, and mixed with all of our credentials ready to use by an external motivated software, it’s like incredible that this is just beginning to be used so widespread.

This is the kind of feature so useful that everybody will use it, but only should be handled by a local AI instance —which is the only way to barely safely execute this stuff—.