Microsoft unveils Majorana 1, their quantum chip

Microsoft has unveiled Majorana 1, a groundbreaking quantum chip that could accelerate the development of practical quantum computers. This innovation marks a significant step in the race among tech giants to harness quantum computing for real-world applications

Microsoft, in their news room:

Microsoft today introduced Majorana 1, the world’s first quantum chip powered by a new Topological Core architecture that it expects will realize quantum computers capable of solving meaningful, industrial-scale problems in years, not decades. […] It leverages the world’s first topoconductor, a breakthrough type of material which can observe and control Majorana particles to produce more reliable and scalable qubits, which are the building blocks for quantum computers.

Quantum computer sooner or later is going to be the breakthrough that makes AI the kind of superpower we’ve been seeing in the Sci-fi movies for years. Microsoft has been working on this for almost 20 years, and Google and IBM are also investing insane amounts of time and money to be the ones with the best, feasible quantum computers. Microsoft approach seems to be different.

Microsoft also put a nice 12 minutes long video presentation with all the details in the press release, nicely explained:

And the obligatory, informative and necessary Fireship video with the most important stuff distilled: