マリウス (Marius)

Some months ago I came across this site -マリウス-, which is impossible to write on the url for most westerns.

And boy, what an experience. I remembered the joy of exploring a site, reading it's contents, having one hundred tabs of it all over the place to read everything.

A special mention goes to the computer section -what a collection, the workstation is incredible-, the infrastructure section -inspired me to start my own, small, privacy oriented infra-, and the belongings section, which inspired me to build my own games section.

Most of all, this site made me remember that a personal site does not need to be a blog. That you can build and enjoy your own little sections on your personal site, and that it's yours to explore what you enjoy, and to share whatever you want.

And I've been recently doing that with this site. Instead of thinking about a personal blog, I started to put together some personal silos which by themselves fulfill different functions. And I began using the blog as a timeline of topics I would like to talk about with whoever wants to read them and talk about them.