‘Inside the Rather Bizarre Relaunch of Jaguar’

Jaguar's new minimalist rebrand feels like a cheap mall clothing brand, completely missing the mark of what made their luxury heritage special in the first place

Jhon Gruber, on Daring Fireball:

McGovern at one point told journalists that his team had ‘not been sniffing the white stuff — this is real’.
Translation: they’ve all been sniffing a metric ton of the white stuff. This looks like the identity for a women’s razor brand or something. Certainly not the identity for a longstanding British sports car company.

The new Jaguar redesign is the last of a large list of design crimes made to longstanding brands.

It feels a bit of a joke to stand a “Copy Nothing” motto, while you’re transforming into the same kind of modernist brands of cheap clothing from bad malls.

I’m a bit pissed off by this.