Txema León

Tech Lead at iContainers

A software developer passionate about making life easier through code. I specialize in building personal productivity tools and automation systems that make people work easier.

Personal productivity solutions and tools for creators are my main focus, using Next.js for frontends and NestJS for backends when needed. I'm also interested in building automation systems and tools to help people save time and effort.

Currently working as Tech Lead at iContainers


Recent Writing

What Is Kodawari?

Kodawari is all about personal pride and discipline, a quiet strength that comes from knowing you’ve put in your best effort. It’s that inner voice that keeps you honest and pushes you to avoid shortcuts in life

Read What Is Kodawari?

Side projects

06/2022 - CurrentlyNotion to CalendarNotion to Calendar

Transform your Notion Databases into calendars which you or your team can subscribe to.
